Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Smith's on Mission

Our excitement and anticipation is growing as we begin our final week of preparation for our Malta Mission Trip.  Our previous mission experiences were construction and medical so caring for one and two year old children will be very different and a little daunting- will our stamina last??  A definite matter of prayer.

Jim and I have a great respect and love of our missionaries who have given their lives to sharing Jesus with the world, so we are grateful to have this opportunity to be a part of enabling them to have a time to come aside for renewal and fellowship with other missionary families who are also serving in Europe.  This week is even more special for us since we will be sharing it with the Teeuwen family.  We have enjoyed getting to know them through Sunday School and supporting their ministry over the years.  They are an incredible family who face their daily lives with great faith and humility.  Their friendship is a joy in our lives.

Please pray that we will be sensitive to the specific needs of these families as we get to interact with them daily and for for spiritual and physical strength for our team as we work and travel that others would see Jesus in us.

Thank you First Baptist Church for this opportunity to represent you and our Lord.  We will be counting on your daily prayers!

Valerie Smith

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