Monday, April 22, 2013

The Malta Team

Front Row (left to right) Carolyn Farabee Smith, Valerie Smith, Jackie Simpson, Tara Waldrop, Dixie Sandlin, Jane Richardson, Susan McCormick 
Back Row (left to right) Jim Smith, Jill Constance, Jeff Constance, Mike Waldrop, Les Power, Wayne Richardson, Rick McCormick 

Our church prayed over us in all of our services yesterday.  This picture is from the 8:30 service.  It was a very humbling experience to have our church family pray over us.  We are so thankful for a church who believes in sending out mission teams.  Our Co-Pastor- Jim Gibson- shared that this trip is unique in that we are serving those who work to share Jesus with those all over Europe.  He asked our church to pray not only over us but for every family at the conference.  He asked this would be a time of rest, refreshment, encouragement and renewal for each person.  Will you join us in praying for these things as well, please? 
Also pray for each child to bond with our team quickly especially the youngest children who are not often away from their moms and dads.  We are thankful for each of you praying! 

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